Join or Renew Membership

Pat Blair. Below, Sheila Waters.
Membership in the Washington Calligraphers Guild is open to anyone regardless of geographic location and calligraphic ability — we offer a special welcome to beginners.
You may join at any time of the year and will receive the most recent issues of our publications, plus other useful information.
PLEASE NOTE: When you renew online, it is vital that you use the expiration date as the start date.

Cheryl Tefft. Below, Katherine Malmsten.

WCG members receive:
Quarterly Bulletin newsletter
Acclaimed biannual journal Scripsit
Access to our extensive Library
Free listing on our website's Freelancers page
Attend member-only programs
Discounted fees for WCG workshops
Receive emails about WCG events
Access to Guild Directory of members
Access to member-only forum (TBA)

U.S. Standard Member
40$ÂValid for one yearU.S. Standard Membership (Recurring)
40$Every yearÂCanada/Mexico Member
50$ÂMembers residing or receiving mailings in Canada or MexicoValid for one yearCanada/Mexico Member (Recurring)
50$Every yearMembers residing or receiving mailings in Canada or MexicoÂAir Mail Member
65$ÂMembers residing or receiving membership mailings overseasValid for one yearAir Mail Member (Recurring)
65$Every yearMembers residing or receiving membership mailings overseasÂSupporting Member
70$ÂWCG appreciates your additional support!Valid for one yearSupporting Member (Recurring)
70$Every yearWCG appreciates your additional support!ÂPatron Member
100$ÂWCG appreciates your additional support!Valid for one yearPatron Member (Recurring)
100$Every yearWCG appreciates your additional support!ÂSustaining Member
150$ÂWCG appreciates your additional support!Valid for one yearSustaining Member (Recurring)
150$Every yearWCG appreciates your additional support!Â